Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft's generative AI tool is called Copilot. Copilot is available in several tiers, with different names. Please note, Microsoft has added this to our license under very unclear terms. This information is accurate as of May 14, 2024, but functionality and access are likely to continue to change in the upcoming weeks and months. 



Microsoft Copilot is billed as Microsoft's everyday AI companion, and is available to Wesleyan users through their Wesleyan username and password. When signed in through your Wesleyan account, data uploaded by users is excluded from training Microsoft's model. 


sign in


Users, therefore, can upload data the university’s Data Security and Privacy Protection Policy classifies as "Public" and "Confidential" into Copilot. Any information classified as “Restricted” cannot be entered. Examples of data that should not be used are information that the user has a contractual, legal, or regulatory obligation to protect, which includes, but is not limited to, information covered by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Social Security Numbers (SSNs), and Protected Health Information (PHI). Researchers should be sure to review guidelines governing the privacy of their research data before entering it into Copilot.

Please make sure you are signed into Copilot under your Wesleyan account before uploading any data into the tool by checking for the green "Protected" button.



With Copilot, users can



Copilot for Microsoft 365

Copilot for Microsoft365 is Copilot integrated with Teams, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, Edge for Business, and other Microsoft 365 apps. It is currently not available with the Wesleyan Microsoft license.