ChatGPT Licenses

ChatGPT is OpenAI's generative AI tool. This information is accurate as of September 5, 2024, but functionality and access are likely to continue to change in the upcoming weeks and months.

ChatGPT available in several pricing tiers:

Users are more than welcome to buy their own individual Plus license or set up their own Team for their department, lab, group, etc..

Wesleyan ITS manages a Team, but does not pay for licenses. Wesleyan faculty/staff can join the ITS-managed Team at their own cost on an annual basis; ITS will not manage monthly licenses. Those wishing to join the ITS-managed Team should open a ticket with the name(s) and email(s) of the user(s) wishing to join the Team, as well as a smartkey to charge. Users should expect to pay around $320 per license and cannot cancel their license until the time of the annual renewal. 

Please note, in addition to different pricing, the tiers also offer different levels of data privacy. Only in a Team is data uploaded by users excluded from training OpenAI's model. Users should therefore only upload data the university’s Data Security and Privacy Protection Policy classifies as "Public" into the Free and Plus tiers. Users may enter "Confidential" data only into a Team. Any information classified as “Restricted” cannot be entered into any GPT tier. Examples of data that should not be used in any GPT tier are information that the user has a contractual, legal, or regulatory obligation to protect, which includes, but is not limited to, information covered by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Social Security Numbers (SSNs), and Protected Health Information (PHI). Researchers should be sure to review guidelines governing the privacy of their research data before entering it into any GPT. Please see the Wesleyan University Generative AI Usage policy for more information.