Microsoft SharePoint allows you to sync a SharePoint site's files to your computer using OneDrive. This will allow you to access your site's files via File Explorer or Finder. You can even store a copy of a file or Folder on your computer and access when you're offline. And when you go back online, any changes made to those files will sync with your SharePoint site(s) automatically.
This process will require you to access your SharePoint site, click the Sync button, and will utilize OneDrive to sync. If you are not yet signed into OneDrive, you will need to sign in. Instructions can be found in this article: Signing into the OneDrive Application on your Computer
1) Locate your SharePoint site. If you need assistance locating your SharePoint site, please refer to this Knowledge Article: How to Access Your SharePoint Sites
2) Once on your SharePoint site, locate the folder you want to sync. On the left side, click on Documents to be directed to the root of your site's file directory. If you only want to sync one of the subfolders on your SharePoint site, locate the subfolder.
*NOTE: Be careful in deciding which folder you want to sync.
- If you chose to sync your entire folder, you won't be able to only sync one of your sub-folders
- If you decide to sync one of your site's sub folders, you won't be able to sync other folders from your site.
*IMPORTANT: Ensure you don't already have a shortcut saved in your OneDrive to the folder you will want to sync (indicated by a folder with a link on its icon).
If you do, you will receive an error upon attempting to sync (see below).
You will need to navigate to your OneDrive and remove the shortcut.
3) Once you locate the folder you would like to sync, click Sync.
If your browser requests permission to use Microsoft OneDrive, you can go ahead and allow permission.
Your files will start to sync up. If you're syncing files from a large SharePoint site, please allow some time for the files to sync up. The length of time it takes will depend on how many files there are, and how large the files are. For example:
- If you have hundreds of documents, but they are not large, then it will not take that long to sync.
- Meanwhile, if you have multiple large files (such as photos/videos), then it will take longer for your contents to sync up).
NOTE: If you are receiving a sync error just like the one pictured below, please submit a ticket ServiceNow and we can take a look and see where the issue is...
4) Go to File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac), navigate to where OneDrive stores your shared folders.
- On Windows, your SharePoint folders will be located under (indicated with a blue icon that looks like a building).
- On Mac, your SharePoint folders will be located under OneDrive - Share Libraries - Your SharePoint folders will have a picture of a building on them.
The folder you see will be named after the SharePoint site and the folder you decided to sync (ex: if you decide to sync the Documents folder on a site named User Services Team, then you will see a folder titled User Services Team - Documents).
5) If you are concerned about files cached on your computer taking up space, OneDrive has a feature called Files on Demand, which will store a copy of your files if needed, and will remove the copy if it is determined that you haven't accessed the file for a period of time. On Mac, this runs automatically, but you are not able to change the frequency. In Windows, you can set the frequency of when files are automatically made online only.
On Windows 10, Go to Settings > Storage Sense > Configure Storage Sense or run it now.
On Windows 11, go to Settings > System > Storage. Click on the > button on Storage Sense.
Scroll down to Locally Available Cloud Content. and locate your SharePoint site. Select the amount of time when you want your content to become online-only. You can choose day up to 60 days.
- On Windows 10, the default is set to never.
- On Windows 11, the default is 30 days.
Once your settings are set, you can turn on Storage Sense
-On Windows 10, you'll need to turn it on, and set the frequency.
-On Windows 11, no further action is required once you determine the frequency unused cloud backed content will be removed from your device.
More information on utilizing Files on Demand can be found in this KnowledgeBase Article on Microsoft's website.
What if I no longer want to sync my SharePoint folder(s)?
Should you no longer want to sync a folder, you can choose to stop the sync. Go to Settings on Windows or Preferences on Mac. Click on the Accounts tab. You can deselect the folder(s) that you are currently syncing by clicking on Stop Sync.
On Windows, you can also right-click on the folder you want to un-sync.
- On Windows 10, you can choose Stop Sync.
- On Windows 11, the Stop Sync option is hidden under the OneDrive drop-down.
IMPORTANT: Do not click Stop Sync on OneDrive - folder. This will stop the sync for your main OneDrive folder, and you won't be able to access the contents stored on your own OneDrive.
For more information on Syncing your files using OneDrive, please visit Microsoft's website: Sync SharePoint and Teams files with your computer - Microsoft Support
For more information on OneDrive/SharePoint, please refer some of our Knowledge Articles:
- Best Practices of Utilizing Cloud and Network Storage
- Utilizing OneDrive Files On-Demand
- Syncing your SharePoint Files to OneDrive
- Should I save files to OneDrive or SharePoint?
We hope you have found this information helpful!
Please visit the Wesleyan ITS Knowledgebase to locate additional self-help instruction.
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- Contact the ITS Service Desk at (860) 685-4000 or
- Request IT Support via the ITS Service Portal