OneDrive - What do the icons next to my file or folder indicate?


When looking at the contents in my OneDrive folder or a folder I synced from one of my SharePoint sites, I see either a check mark, cloud, or a red X next to my file(s) and/or folder(s). Some files also have an icon of a person or a link.


I also see a cloud icon in my Taskbar (Windows)/Menu Bar (Mac), and that has various status icons as well.


What do each of these icons indicate?


The icons next to your files/folders in either your personal OneDrive folder or a folder or two from one of your synced SharePoint folders represent the sync status. These status(es) indicate whether or not a sync is pending, if there is a copy on your local cache, if a file is cloud only, or if there is an issue with syncing.

Two charts of icons listed by files and on System Tray or Menu Bar are listed, along with the status they represent. To jump to a section, please click on a title in the Table of Contents below:


Status Icons by Files (Windows/Mac)

Status Windows Icon & Description Mac Icon & Description  Description
Locally Available Green Tick/Check Mark  (no icon)

There is a copy of a file locally stored in your computer's cache and on the cloud. You will see this if you have opened a file stored on OneDrive on your computer. The file can be accessed without an internet connection, until the file is made online-only automatically via Files On-Demand , or the file is manually set to online-only.

This will also appear next to a folder if all the items within the folder are locally available.

Always Keep on this Device Green Circle with White Tick/Check Mark  Grey Circle with White Tick/Check Mark  Like above, this indicates there is a local copy in your computer's cache and can be accessed without an internet connection. However, this file was set to always be kept on the computer, meaning it will not automatically be made online only via Files On-Demand. The only way it will be made online-only is if you manually select an item or folder and make it online only.
Online-Only Blue Cloud  Grey Cloud 

A file or most of the contents within a folder is stored only on the cloud and not stored in your computer's cache. Although it is not taking up any additional hard drive space, this item cannot be accessed without an internet connection. Generally, you will see this icon if a file/folder has not yet been accessed on your computer, or you have chosen to make the file online only (either manually or using Files on Demand).

*On Mac, you can also click on the grey cloud and it will become locally available.

Sync Pending Blue Arrows  Grey Arrows 

A change is processing to a file or the contents within the folder. This includes uploading a copy to OneDrive, downloading a copy to OneDrive, or being marked as Online Only.

If you see this for a long time on a folder, check the OneDrive application or the enclosed items within the folder to see if there are any sync errors within the folder (items will be indicated with a Red X or a Grey X, see info in next row). Please refer to this support article from Microsoft:

OneDrive is stuck on Processing changes - Microsoft Support

It is also strongly recommended you contact Desktop Support to verify that there are no other issues before proceeding.

Sync Error Red X  Cloud with Grey X 

There is an issue syncing a file or folder. If you look at your OneDrive application, you will be prompted with what action you need to take.

To learn more about resolving sync issues, please follow this link. It is also strongly recommended that you consult your Desktop Support Specialist before taking action.

File/Folder Shared Person  Two People 

The file/folder has been shared with someone else or a group of people, either within Wesleyan University or externally. This is paired up with the Locally Available, Online Only, Sync Pending, or Error icons mentioned above.

Pictured to the right, the icon is paired next to the Cloud Only icon (indicated by a blue cloud)

NOTE: Does not apply to SharePoint sites.

Linked Folder Link/Chain (no icon) This indicates you created a shortcut to another folder on OneDrive online.




The OneDrive cloud that is on your Taskbar (Windows) or your Menu Bar (Mac) will also indicate the following status(es). If you are using OneDrive with your Wesleyan account, you will see a Blue cloud on Windows, and a Black/Grey cloud on Mac.


Status Icons in System Tray/Menu Bar

Status Windows Icon & Description Mac Icon & Description Description
Normal Cloud Only Cloud Only OneDrive is working normally. No actions currently running (such as a sync) and no issues reported with any of your files/folders.
Sync Pending Cloud w/ Blue Arrows Cloud w/ Grey Arrows

OneDrive is processing a change to a file or the contents of a folder. This includes uploading a copy to OneDrive, downloading a copy to OneDrive, or being marked as Online Only.

If you see this icon for a long time (more than 1hr), click on the cloud to ensure that no files are stuck syncing or that there are any sync errors (files/folders will have a Red or a Grey X next to them). Please refer to this support article from Microsoft:

OneDrive is stuck on Processing changes - Microsoft Support

It is also strongly recommended you contact your Desktop Support Specialist to verify that there are no other issues before proceeding.

Sync Error Cloud w/ Red X  Cloud w/ Grey X

There is an issue syncing a file or folder. Click on the cloud to see what action you need to take. To learn more about resolving sync issues, please follow this link.

It is also strongly recommended you contact your Desktop Support Specialist to verify that there are no other issues before proceeding.

Sync Paused Cloud w/ Pause Icon

Cloud w/ Pause Icon

OneDrive Sync is Paused. You will see this if you chose to pause sync, or if OneDrive automatically pauses sync for any reason (ex: if you are using your computer on a metered connection such as a wireless hotspot). Click on the cloud, and then click on the Resume Sync banner in order to resume your sync.


To learn more about resuming sync, please follow this link.


New Messages (OneDrive Tips/New or Unused Features) Cloud w/ Blue circle with an "i" (not on Mac as of April 2024, though it is documented on Microsoft's documentation)

OneDrive has a new message available for you with a new/unused feature, or a tip on how to best use OneDrive.

Click on the icon to see if you have any messages on actions to take.

In the below example, OneDrive is displaying a message about how to utilize Files on Demand.


Account Needs Attention Cloud w/ yellow Exclamation Point (not on Mac) Your account needs attention. Click on the icon to see what needs attention. Usually caused if your SSO password has changed and your old password is still cached.
Not Signed In Greyed Cloud w/ Slash

This indicates you are not currently signed into OneDrive, or that setup has not been completed. Click on the cloud to sign in and complete setup if needed.

More information can be found in this section: Sign into OneDrive Again

What If I'm Not Seeing Any Status Icons?

If you don't see any of the above-mentioned icons when looking at items in your OneDrive folder or you don't see the cloud in your Taskbar or Menu Bar, your computer is not actively syncing files. It could be caused by one of the following scenarios:

  • OneDrive is not running on your computer.
  • OneDrive is Running, but you are not signed in (usually occurs if your SSO password is changed).
  • Your SharePoint Site(s) will need to be re-synced.

Re-Launch OneDrive

Launch the OneDrive application from your Start Menu (Windows) or your Applications folder (Mac). You should then see the cloud appear on your Taskbar/Menubar, and you will see your icons next to your files. Failure to do so will result in sync issues on OneDrive, including but not limited to files not uploading, changes you make to a document not being saved, and sync errors with other colleagues if you shared a document.

Sign into OneDrive Again

If you notice a cloud with a grey slash or a greyed out cloud, click on it, and you'll be prompted to sign in again. Locate the OneDrive icon on your System Tray or your MenuBar, and click on it. Click Sign In.


Enter your Wesleyan Email address when prompted.


If directed to SSO, enter your credentials, and authenticate with Duo.

Re-Sync Your SharePoint Sites

Your SharePoint site may have been disconnected. You'll need to navigate to your SharePoint site and re-sync.

More information can be found here: Syncing your SharePoint Files to OneDrive

What If I'm Still Having Sync Issues?

If you know OneDrive is running and you are continuing to experience sync issues (such as your personal OneDrive folder or any other folders from SharePoint sites you have synced) may need to be re-mapped. Please submit a ticket so we can take a look. Improper troubleshooting can result in potential data loss for you and your team.

Additional Information

For more information on OneDrive, please refer to some of our Knowledgebase Articles:

Additionally, please refer to Microsoft's official documentation. Click on any of the links below for your operating system.

We hope you have found this information helpful!


Please visit the Wesleyan ITS Knowledgebase to locate additional self-help instruction.

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